You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered why your heating bill is so expensive. Many homeowners fight the battle between keeping their homes warm during winter and wanting to cut down on heating costs. While several factors contribute to higher heating costs outside your control, some things can make your home more energy efficient and help you save on your electricity bills.
You may not realize that lighting your home and running appliances like your dishwasher, for example, contribute to higher electricity bills. Even charging all of your devices can increase your electricity bill. Another reason your energy bills could be so high is that you have kids home from college or family visiting. More bodies in the home mean more bodies to keep warm, use appliances, and use more electricity overall. These are just a few variables that could make your heating bill so high. Below, our Rockwall HVAC experts at Lyons Air & Heat will further explain some reasons why your heating bill might be so high this winter.
Reasons Your Heating Bill Might Be Higher This Winter
If your home is working against you during the colder months, there are some easy ways to solve those problems. Older homes may have older HVAC systems that could be upgraded, or the insulation isn’t helping as much as it could. Maybe your ductwork is older and has some leaks that are allowing cold air into the ducts. While these fixes are on the more expensive side of improving your home heating system, these options could benefit you in the long run and help you save money on future heating bills.
You could also be experiencing air leaks throughout your home because of doors and windows needing resealing. You cannot properly heat your home if the heat escapes through cracks. If you’re experiencing high heating costs, call the experts at Lyons Air & Heat to have an experienced Allen, TX HVAC technician evaluate your home heating system. We’ll ensure you’re getting the most out of your heating systems and diagnose any problems you might be experiencing.
At Lyons Air & Heat, we’ll make sure you don’t get left in the cold. Call today to set up an appointment by calling (214) 432-2859.
While there are many ways that you can lower your utility bills, there are some factors that are out of your control. The cost of heating your home increased during the 2022-2023 winter season. Whether you use natural gas, heating oil, or electric heat, you’ve experienced an increase in your electric bills this winter.
If your home uses natural gas, the EIA predicts homeowners will spend over $900 to heat their homes. This is a 28% increase in natural gas for the 2022-2023 winter. This jump is due to increased natural gas prices and consumption. The square footage of your home, your home’s insulation, and other factors will determine how much you’re paying for natural gas to heat your home.
If your home uses heating oil, you could spend over $2,000 to heat your home. Less than 5% of homeowners use heating oil. You might consider switching to natural gas or electric heat if you fall in that small percentage.
Homeowners that heat their homes using electric heat will see an increase of about 10% for the winter. It’s a lower increase than fossil fuels since natural gas is the biggest generator of electricity in the United States, and the cost of natural gas has increased in the last two years. As energy use switches to cleaner, carbon-free sources, electricity should become more stable.
Poor Maintenance
If you’re not scheduling regular maintenance for your HVAC system, you could be experiencing high heating bills. Routine maintenance on your unit is an easy way to lower your home heating costs. When you sign up for our annual HVAC maintenance plan, the Cool Club, you’ll receive a precision tune-up twice a year to ensure your system runs efficiently. Our maintenance agreement also includes cleaning your heating and cooling systems, safety checks, and more. If our technicians find a problem with your heating systems, we’ll recommend the best option. Finding the issue before it gets worse can help you save money in the long run and avoid those high electricity prices when that Texas cold winter hits.
Air Leaks
Air can leak through many different areas throughout your home. When trying to lower your heating costs, you can check for leaks in several places around your house. Make sure there are no gaps around your windows and doors. Any gaps and cracks around windows and doors can cause warm air to escape your home. You’ll also want to check uninsulated or under-insulated attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Add weatherstripping around all exterior doors and seal all windows and door frames inside and outside to reduce heat loss. You can reduce energy costs and keep the heat indoors by sealing in the air.
Thermostat Settings
Replacing your thermostat can be a small change that can make a big difference in lowering your heating costs. When you invest in a programmable thermostat, you can reduce the temperature when you’re not home—using less heat while away can save you money on your heating bills. Another option is installing a smart thermostat. Like a programmable one, the smart version gives you more freedom to change the settings from your computer or cell phone. If you want to upgrade your thermostat to a programmable or smart one, call the Lyons Air & Heat professionals. One of our experienced technicians will work with you on deciding which thermostat is right and will make sure you’re comfortable with using it before we leave.
Damaged Ductwork
When ductwork is damaged, warm air can escape through the gaps before reaching your rooms. Damaged ductwork can cause your heating system to overcompensate by using more energy to replace the loss of heat. This increase in energy usage can cause your electric bills to increase. Repairing or replacing your air ducts can eliminate any leaks and lower your electric bill.
Poor Insulation
If your home is not properly insulated, it does not matter how efficiently your heating systems work. Home insulation keeps the warmer air inside your home during the cooler months and the cooler air inside your home during the warmer months. If your home suffers from insufficient insulation, that air is escaping and causing your HVAC system to work twice as hard. If you believe poor insulation is the source of higher heating costs, call a Royse City HVAC professional to inspect your insulation. Once your home is properly insulated, you should notice a difference in costs on your electric bill.
Heating System Age
HVAC systems typically have a life span of 10-15 years. If your unit requires constant maintenance and repairs, you might want to consider replacing it. Older home heating systems are less energy efficient, which can cause higher heating bills. At Lyons Air & Heat, our Rockwall AC replacement experts will help you find the best heating and cooling system to help cut down your utility bills. We offer flexible financing options, so call us today if you’re interested in replacing your HVAC system.
How To Save Money on Heating Costs
When you make quick and easy changes around your home, you can save money on your bills this winter. Most of the options listed above won’t break the bank and can be done easily around your house. While some of these options may have a higher upfront cost, the repairs or replacements will benefit you and your family during the unpredictable Texas winter weather.
Call the Rockwall Heating Experts at Lyons Air & Heat To Learn More
If you’re interested in lowering your monthly heating bills, call the #1 heating repair company in Rockwall today! At Lyons Air & Heat, our highly-trained technicians will assist you with any heating needs and make sure that you’re getting the most out of your system. Whether it’s a routine maintenance check or a heating issue, no problem is too big or small. With our flexible financing options, you don’t have to sweat when it’s time to install a new unit. Call us today to schedule an appointment at (214) 432-2859 or contact us online.